DOCtoral Program in Khmer universities Strengthening the International Development of Environmental and maritime Research (DOCKSIDE)

Project number: 573790-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP
European call: ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education
Duration: from 15 October 2016 to 14 October 2019
Budget: 998,125.00 €
Spanish budget: 71,690.00 € for the University of Vigo
Spanish project coordinator: Manuel María Varela Lafuente
Contact mail:
Facebook Social network: docksideEUproject


UVigo team

Manuel Varela Lafuente
Project coordinator

Francisco Torres Pérez
Academic staff

Juan Surís Regueiro
Academic staff

Laura Movilla Pateiro
Academic staff

Pablo Fernández Carballo-Calero
Academic staff

María Dolores Garza Gil
Academic staff

Belén Fernández Docampo
Academic staff

Eva Garea Oya
Project technical coordinator

Francisca Fernández Prol
Academic staff

Jaime Cabeza Pereiro
Academic Staff

Iria García Lorenzo
Support researcher


DOCtoral Program in Khmer universities Strengthening the International Development of Environmental and maritime Research (DOCKSIDE), is an EU co-funded structural project by Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education Program. It is designed to promote collaboration and build sustainable partnerships between Cambodian and European universities.

It aims to improve the quality of education and the research collaboration in Maritime and Environmental fields between some of the leading public universities in Cambodia: National University of Management (NUM); Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE); University of Battambang (UBB); Royal University of Agriculture (RUA). An important institutional support is provided by the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (MoEYS), who is considering reforming the higher education by creating Doctoral Schools on different subjects.

Université de Nantes (France), Universidade de Vigo (Spain) and Syddansk Universitet (Denmark) will support Cambodian partners by organizing training and exchanging good practices in order to strengthen the research capacity and quality of doctoral programs.

DOCKSIDE Project has a multidisciplinary perspective -including fields of Economics, Management, Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries- and it is a collaborative program offering training sessions, international mobility proposals, workshops, summer schools, and many other events.


  • Strengthen the collaboration between Cambodian and European universities
  • Improve the quality and attractiveness of PhD programs in Cambodia
  • Scientific cooperation between researchers and PhD students
  • Development of multidisciplinary research
  • A more international Cambodian and European university

Project activities

Project meetings and exchange of knowlegde

Cambodian and European partners have a continuous relation in order to strengthen the exchange of knowledge and best practices and the meetings between colleagues and researchers. Among these activities are included the Kick Off Meeting, Project Meetings, Catalogue Courses Meetings, Visits to European Universities by a delegation of university professors, rector and vice-rector, and administrative staff of Cambodian institutions.

Training sessions

A range of training activities is offered to Cambodian partner staff and the stakeholders. The multiple sessions aim to build both teaching and research capacity:

Workshop and summer schools

The EMR Workshop of 2017 and the Summer Schools of 2018 and 2019 are the main meeting points for DOCKSIDE partners and their stakeholders. Each year of the project, professors, student and researchers with various backgrounds and nationalities are gathered to improve their skills and enhance multidisciplinary research.

International mobility

The project has a bilateral mobility program. In the 2017, the European partners selected 6 students for make an internship in the National University of Management, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Each student has spent 3 months in Cambodia, collaborating with the management, meeting Cambodian actors and developing research activities. There are also a mobility grants for the Cambodian PhD Candidates, Master Students, Researchers and Staff. While the students can stay up to three months in one European Partner University, the staff can stay up to one month. In 2017 and 2018, PhD Candidates and Lecturers were in the University of Nantes, University of Vigo and University of Southern Denmark working in their fields.

EMR Network and platform

DOCKSIDE favours the creation of a network around Environmental and Maritime Research topics. The countable doctoral school cannot exist without a strong research basis, for that reason, the project strives for the creation of a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary network. On the Environmental Maritime Research (EMR) platform, everybody is able to upload documents and data.

UVigo activities

UVigo Vice-chancellorship of Social Responsability, Internationalisation and Cooperation at the MoEYS Dissemination Meeting, Phnom Penh. María Isabel Doval Ruiz at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS), 12 September 2019

Professors from the UVigo at the DOCKSIDE Dissemination and Final Meeting, Phnom Penh. Jaime Cabeza, Francisco Torres and Pablo Fernández at the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), 5 and 6 September 2019

Professors and staff from the UVigo in the ASEAN Water Platform 2019, Phnom Penh. Laura Movilla, Annina Burgin, Irene Dozo, Raquel Fernández, Marcos Pérez and Iria García at the National University of Management (NUM), 05 – 13 July 2019

Mobility of Sovannara KANG and Hong SOUN at the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Law and Labour in the UVigo. Dean and professor from the National University of Management (NUM), 13 – 17 May 2019

Mobility of Sreyneang SUN at the Faculty of Economics in the UVigo. Student from the University of Battambang, March – June 2019

Meeting with the Ministry of Youth, Education and Sports (MoEYS) of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. Professor Jaime Cabeza at the Ministry, December 2018

Mobility of Channraksmeychhoukroth DANY at the Faculty of Law and Labour in the UVigo. Professor from the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), 15-31 October 2018

Mobility of Chanpheakdey DOK to visit the informatic facilities of the UVigo. Staff from the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), 06-13 October 2018

Professors and staff from the UVigo in the Summer School 2018, Battambang. Elena Ojea, Laura Movilla and Diego Salgueiro at the University of Battambang (UBB), 01-05 October 2018

Mobility of Vandanet HING at the Faculty of Law and Labour in the UVigo. Staff from the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), 28 May – 09 June 2018

Catalogue Courses Meeting in Cambodia. Francisco Torres at the National University of Management (NUM) and the University of Battambang (UBB), February 2018

Three months internship in Phnom Penh. Irene Dozo Mougán and Iria García Lorenzo at the National University of Managemen (NUM), October – December 2017

Professors and interns from the UVigo in the EMR Workshop, Phnom Penh. Elsa Otero, Annina Burgin, Irene Dozo and Iria García at the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), October 2017

Cambodian Delegation in the Universidade de Vigo. Professors and staff from the National University of Management (NUM), Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), University of Battambang (UBB) and Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), September 2017

Kick Off of the DOCKSIDE project, Nantes. Professors Jaime Cabeza and Francisco Torres at the University of Nantes, December 2016