LAPASSION (Latin-America Practices and Soft Skills for an Innovation Oriented Network)
Project number: 585687-EPP-1-2017-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
European call: ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education
Duration: from 15 October 2017 to 14 October 2020
Total budget: 999.310,00 €
- Polytechnic of Porto (Portugal)
- Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
- University of Vigo (Spain)
- University of Salamanca (Spain)
- Federal Institute Sul-Rio-Grandense (Brazil)
- Federal Institute of Triângulo Mineiro (Brazil)
- Federal Institute of Goiás (Brazil)
- Federal Institute of Maranhão (Brazil)
- Federal Institute of Amazonas (Brazil)
- University of the Republic of Uruguay (Uruguay)
- Technological University of Uruguay (Uruguay)
- Foundation of Professional Institute (Chile)
- Catholic University of Chile (Chile)
- Association of Enterprises of Portugal (Portugal)
- Council of Rectors of Federal Institutes (Brazil)
UVigo team

Silvia García González
Academic staff

Carlos Souto Otero
Project coordinator

Eva Garea Oya
Project technical coordinator

Ignacio Barcia Rodríguez
Academic staff

Antonia Blanco Pesqueira
Academic staff

Dolores Dopico Aneiros
Academic staff

Oswaldo García Crespo
Academic staff

Antonio Pena Giménez
Academic staff

Soledad Torres Guijarro
Academic staff

Doris Fernandes del Pozo

Carlos Valcárcel Riveiro
Academic staff

Fernando Suárez Cabeza
Academic staff
The main objective of the project is to increase and enhance innovation culture within Higher Education institutions, as well as to foster their links to businesses and other organisations, with a view to increasing internationalisation and employability. To this end, the LAPASSION project designs and implements multidisciplinary projects (MP/I) with students from different countries, areas and levels, who work for 10 weeks on how to address challenges suggested by companies & other organizations through innovation and design thinking. Mobility of 84 students for all MP/I projects is foreseen.
LAPASSION aims at fostering the inclusion of multidisciplinary and innovative initiatives within the curricula of the LA participating institutions. The diversity of partners, countries and projects involved is part of the project’s added value, since it brings together the expertise from two continents (Latin America & Europe), and implies a great coordination effort to ensure adequate implementation and sustainability in all institutions involved.
The 6 Specific Objectives (SOs) of the LAPASSION project are:
- SO1 – To raise awareness among Education Programmes’ Directors & Institutional Administration
- SO2 – Training of Supervisors
- SO3 – Creation of MP/I in partner institutions to allow the assignment of credits
- SO4 – Involvement of students from other institutions in MP/I
- SO5 – Monitoring and quality control procedures of MP/I
- SO6 – Dissemination to other HEI, and Exploitation of LAPASSION results
Project Activities and Methodology
- Quality Meeting & Projects – Santiago de Chile (LAPASSION@Santiago)
- Management Meeting –Tampere (Finland)
- Preparation Meeting – Sâo Luis (Brazil)
- Preparation Meeting – Montevideo (Uruguay)
- Selection of UVIGO students to participate in LAPASSION@SaoLuis and LAPASSION@Uruguay
- UVIGO students participate in LAPASSION@Uruguay (11th March-17th May, 2019)
- UVIGO students participate in LAPASSION@SaoLuis (18th March-24th May, 2019):
- News on UVIGO students’ participation in Lapassion