The International Projects Office (OPI) of the University of Vigo (UVigo) is the service responsible for facilitating the participation of researchers in international projects funded by international public or private entities.

At the Research Projects Area, we work with UVigo’s researchers, but we also support other researchers willing to continue their career at UVigo.

More about OPI

More about UVigo’s international research projects

How we can help you

  • Supporting the preparation of your MSCA PF proposal with UVigo as the host institution
  • Guiding you in the preparation of your ERC project, to be carried out at UVigo (or in bringing your project with you, if you are already a grantee!)
  • Helping you find the Centre, institute or research group where you can successfully continue your research

More information on research centres and institutes at UVigo:

Research Centres  Interuniversity Research Centres  Institutes  
CIM Centro de Investigación Mariña – Marine Research CentreECOBAS Economics and Business Administration for SocietyIFCAE Instituto de Física e Ciencias Aeroespaciais – Institute of Physics and Aerospace Sciences
AtlanTTic Research Centre for Telecommunication Technologies CISPAC Interuniversity Research Centre for Atlantic Cultural LandscapesIXEX Instituto Universitario de Xustiza e Xénero – University Institute of Justice and Gender
CINBIO Centro de Investigación en Nanomateriais e Biomedicina – Nanomaterial and Biomedicine Research Centre  IAA Instituto de Agroecoloxía e Alimentación – Institute of Agroecology and Food
CINTECX Centro de Investigación en Tecnoloxías, Enerxía e Procesos Industriais – Research Centre of Industrial Technologies and Processes  

Moreover, there are different calls, from the Spanish Plan Estatal, from the Galician Government (Xunta), from the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN), as well as UVigo´s own calls, aimed at funding your contract or helping consolidate at UVigo once your project is over.

More on harnessing talent at UVigo