GREENCAP. From Universidade de Vigo to Cambodia: academic mobility turns the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) into a meeting point for academic cooperation, exchange of experiences and good practices.

the framework of the Greencap project, with the aim of capacity building and academic cooperation.

This mobility has served to support the consortium of Cambodian HEIs in achieving several important objectives set in the framework of the Greencap project, such as the modernisation of the curriculum and its greening, the reduction of the gap between bachelor and master levels, fostering the openness of HEIs towards the private sector and civil society stakeholders. This mobility project has also promoted the emergence of multidisciplinary green research, the greening of the student population, but also of civil servants and the general population, and finally, the creation of a space for academia and entrepreneurs in the public policy making process.

The mobility of Pr. Pablo Fernández Carballo-Calero from Universidade de Vigo to the Royal University of Law & Economics (RULE), in Cambodia, has been a complete success. From May 9 to 15, the Cambodian institution has been a meeting point for academic cooperation, sharing of experiences and good practices.

Three seminar sessions were hold during the event:

The first, “Webinar on Environmental and Consumer Protection” took place on Monday, May 9th, with students from the GREENCAP Consortium Universities, during which Pr. Carballo-Calero presented the concept of sustainable consumption.

The second seminar, “Webinar on the Consumer Protection Law in Cambodia”, had an audience of 90 people on Zoom and 460 on Facebook lives. The Webinar aimed to attract the interest of civil society and the business community, with the collaboration of RULE partner Sala Traju Association, dedicated partly to the dissemination and simplification of legal knowledge in the Cambodian society.

On Wednesday May 11th, the last session “What can Cambodia learn from Spanish and European experiences” was hold with the participation of HE Buon Sarakmony, Secretary of State. This seminar was addressed to Ministry of Commerce high ranking officials and civil servants involved in consumer protection. The objective was not only to share the Spanish and European experiences, but also to strengthen cooperation and increase the permeability between academic actors and Higher Education Institutions and the Ministry of Commerce, as a gateway to the Economic Society at large.

Webinar Serie: Issue 2