Introducing Recent Electrical Engineering Developments into undErgraduate curriculum (IREEDER) project, coordinated by Al-Hussein Bin Talal University and in whose consortium the Universidade de Vigo participates, has launched a call for expression of interest for the position of an external evaluator. IREEDER is integrated by the universities of Al-Hussein Bin Talal, Vigo, Mutah, Tafilah Technical, Philadelphia, Isra, Trento, Central Lancashire-Chipre, Patras and the Institution of Telecommunications-Aveiro. The consortium is looking for an external body or professional to carry out an independent evaluation of the project, being the UVigo the entity responsible for the quality assurance work package. This external evaluator will be in charge of carrying out the mid-term and final external evaluation reports for IREEDER.
Requirements for the external evaluator. Those interested in participating in the call must have sufficient experience related to the topics of the IREEDER project (renewable energy, Internet of things and cybersecurity) in the field of teaching or research. This external evaluator will be also responsible for monitoring all project activities, including training workshops in Europe and dissemination workshops in Jordan; in addition to the evaluation of the developed teaching material and the established laboratories in Jordan. In order to perform these tasks, he/she must also have extensive knowledge of the higher education sector and English language proficiency. More information:
Submission of applications. Interested applicants are invited to submit their EOI by email before the closing date of 16th November 2020 to the project coordinating institution. Contact person: Saud Althunbat (