Electrical Energy Markets and Engineering Education (ELEMEND)

Project number: 585681-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
European call: ERASMUS+ Joint Projects – Curriculum Development (2017)
Duration: from 10 October 2017 to 10 October 2020
Total budget: 930,543.00 €


UVigo team

Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo
Project coordinator

Ana Fernández Vilas
Academic staff

Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez
Academic staff

Manuel Fernández Veiga
Academic staff

Juan José López Escobar

Eva Garea Oya
Project technical coordinator


The new paradigms of electricity grids and markets require not only workers but also consumers to be adequately educated and trained. Therefore, the electrical engineering curricula in WBC, created to serve the conventional model of a large-scale power grid owned and operated by a single company, need to adapt to these new paradigms. ELEMEND is designed to improve the competitiveness of electrical engineering curricula in WBC through training in smart grid and microgrid technologies as well as in electricity markets. Indeed, there are courses at the BSc level, a MSc programme, specific training for academic and technical staff, innovative ICT tools (such as e-learning platforms and gamified content combined with blended learning), an internship programme, etc. ELEMEND laboratories will be accessible to all partners and are expected to attract research funding while increasing employability rates and visibility.


ELEMEND aims to provide Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo with high-profile professionals in the field of smart microgrid technology as well as in emerging electrical energy markets in order to meet societal and market needs in the Western Balkans. More specifically, our objectives are:

  1. To increase capacity building for studying smart grids both in English and in local languages at the BSc and MSc levels in 9 WBC HEIs
  2. To develop, accredit and implement new courses on smart grids at the BSc level in 8 WBC HEIs
  3. To develop, accredit and implement a new MSc programme in accordance with the Bologna declaration and with new developments in smart grids
  4. To introduce new ICT tools as self-learning tools
  5. To increase employability